
Toyota has developed what it calls ‘game-changing’ solid state battery technology, but will be keeping its research in-house. The brand’s solid-state batteries use technology based on lithium ion batteries, but with the ability to work at a higher temperature than current batteries, and do not require cooling due to their small size. Costs remain similar as the raw materials are the same. Toyota expects to launch EV’s with solid-state batteries early in the next decade, and with more than 200...

The G. B. Pant Institute of Technology, New Delhi, is to offer a one-year Advanced Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics (ADAM) after the Delhi government tied a deal with Mercedes-Benz India. The aim of the programme is to create a clear pathway for students keen to work in the automotive industry, and to equip India’s large youth demographic with expertise in electronics and other modern automotive technologies. Is this course something the UK would benefit from? Read more here. Image Source: RCSI...

Moving processes online will help equip those automotive retailers focused on effectively managing the changes that GDPR will bring in May 2018, according to James Tew, chief exec of eCommerce solutions provider, iVendi. “Pushing more of their processes online into the digital arena is going to help create an infrastructure that will solve many, though not all, of their problems,” he explained in an interview with the AM Online website. iVendi has, according to Tew, witnessed records being set for the number...

Toyota has introduced a new car sharing service in Tokyo, with the aim of attracting young people that do not yet feel ready to buy a car. Named Drive to Go, the idea is based around a retail store that combines the functions of a showroom, or a car rental space, with a more relaxed coffee and restaurant feel. Toyota's aim is to make renting a car to be just as easy as buying a coffee, with business and  invention firm...

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