
Something we were hoping GDPR would trigger was a new culture within the automotive industry of careful data segmentation that only sees the right messages being sent to the right audiences. It’s something we have been pushing since around 2011 when we first started winning projects in this industry, and although the situation is improving there is still much to do.   
It’s frustrating to hear about, and painful to see in an inbox. When literally no work has been done to manage a database before offers and promotions are delivered, it’s so obvious.  
The knee-jerk reaction, of the rocket up the @£$@ email that goes round demanding that ‘we must shift another 10 cars before the end of the week to hit target’, and the instruction is passed to marketing to deliver the offer to anyone and everyone on the database… and anyone else you can get your hands on.  
Don’t do this. There is enough technology and expertise out there to quickly segment and divide databases intelligently. At the very least remove anyone who bought a car a few weeks ago, why would they be interested in an SUV offer when they bought a hatchback last month?  
And, no, I don’t buy the ‘they might have friends or family that could be interested’. That’s not a strategy, it’s lazy and ineffective.   
Moreover, it massively turns people off. You work so hard to shift those lovely pieces of metal in the showroom, why massacre the relationship with sloppy communication in the hope that someone, somewhere, might possibly be interested in an offer?   
While we work with retailers who really get it and are clever in their customer comms and data segmentation, in the wider industry it’s not yet been resolved.
So, three things to consider Right Now:  

  1. TECH: What technology can we incorporate to only send messages to those who stand a chance of being interested in buying?  
  2. BESPOKE: When you nail your audience down you can be so much more exciting and bespoke with your content  
  3. VOLUME: Never think high volume = high sales, it’s not the case particularly when the majority of the database has never shown any interest in what you’re selling or have on offer  

If you are interested in exploring how to make better use of content and data, then don’t hesitate to get in touch on 020 7287 9233 or by dropping us an email at

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