
The GoldSand Digital team has completed a programme of training on GDPR ahead of the upcoming regulation changes.

Delivered by David Hudson, Partner at Acuity Legal Limited, the training covered an overview of the updated data regulations, their risks and implications, as well as practical advice on how to remain GDPR-compliant in all aspects of our business.

Many thanks to David for an informative and engaging afternoon. The team is excited to embrace the change and be GDPR-ready.

The team training has run in parallel with the development of GoldSand Digital’s new reporting dashboard, which helps our clients to manage one of the fundamental challenges around data storage and sharing.

While businesses delivering content with GoldSand Digital are always keen to receive insight and reports on performance following campaign launches, sending sets of data in a spreadsheet via email was no longer viable as it could be downloaded and saved anywhere. This process is vulnerable to a breach, and in light of GDPR, is no longer fit for purpose.

To discuss any content marketing requirements please get in touch for a chat on 020 7287 9233 or email

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