
If you think that NatWest is in the clear after this weekend’s computer debacle, then think again. YouGov SoMA (Social Media Analysis tool) looks at the impact of current events on the likes of Twitter and Facebook. They observed staggering increases in mentions of NatWest.

On average daily Tweets concerning NatWest reached a 0-2% circulation, but since the recent fiasco they reached a high of 23% on Friday. And over the five days an average of 37% of the twitter population received negative information about NatWest.

With the ever increasing nature of the internet and social media the buzz surrounding the disruption is slowly snowballing. And people are forming their perceptions of the bank.

Thus resulting in the brand’s buzz score down from zero to -63 on the Monday.

To look at the full report click here…

Speak to the social media team at GoldSand Digital today to enquire about how we can help you optimise your social media strategy, and you to help generate a return with social media tools. Call on 020 7269 9885 or email


Pic: Alwyn Ladell
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