
Alright, we’ll admit it - we weren’t there. But, we’ve kept pretty close to the coverage of this year’s Geneva Motor Show, and if it all seems a bit much, your friends at GSD have distilled it down to a few awesome, impressive, and completely insane vehicles you shouldn’t miss. It’s official – 4x4s have taken over Ok, this should come as a shock to no one. The car-buying public’s love for big cars has been growing with some speed in recent...

At GoldSand Digital we totally love numbers. We love facts, figures and results. One true to life fact is that we are the undisputed world's number one coffee drinking London marketing agency. Not sure if other agencies even drink coffee do they?We've collated a whole load of impressive stats that will tell you a little bit about who we are, what we do and the results we get. It's all in the infographic below...

We were recently lucky enough to have the pleasure of hosting an enthusiastic and very talented lady called Hope at our offices for a few days. Hope is studying A levels and was keen to get some real world experience of working in a busy London content marketing agency.   We like to get people involved and while a cup of tea is always welcome, we wanted to give Hope some real practical experience that she could add to her CV and potentially...

Why publishing with digital media is only the beginning   Print media has a long and involved relationship with the automotive industry. It began with adverts taken out in local newspapers, leaflets distributed door-to-door, and hand-written letters sent to each and every customer. Those who still deal in the latter, you know who you are.   For the individual businesses, there then came bigger, further-reaching campaigns: billboards, radio advertising, national publications. But, as is the case with all print media (we can lump radio...

At GoldSand Digital you might think our work is finished once a magazine is published, but for us it’s just the beginning, as after it hits the 'digital press' our focus turns to getting it out to as many people as possible.   Utilising our expertise in social media, along with a complex network of digital platforms, allows us to make the most noise about our client’s new digital campaign, because we are as focused on marketing these automotive digital magazines, as...

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