
App developer Maluuba is exploring the potential for its PersonalAssistant voice recognition app, with possible features to control TVs, kitchen appliances and even cars with the voice. The app currently operates as a hyper-effective Siri-like organisation and search app. Plans for voice interaction with appliances and hardware are predicted for further in the future, while controlling hardware wirelessly through voice interaction with a smartphone 'might make sense', according to Tareq Ismail, head of UX for Maluuba. Read more by clicking here >>...

Facebook is the top social network in 127 of 137 countries studied in areport by the Los Angeles Times. The remaining ten countries in which Facebook is not ranked top include: Russia, which predominantly uses Kontakte and Odnoklassniki; China, due to QZone, and Iran, led by Cloob. Despite not ranking top in China, the biggest growth by area has been seen in Asia, which now has Facebook's largest population with 278 million users. Europe currently has the second largest, with 251 million of Facebook's billion users. Read more...

Google+ has begun to see a rise in engagement in traditional media,softening the social media network's reputation for engagement only with online-only news sites. The results come from a study conducted by Adam Sherk, a consultant that works with news and content sites. Though, an online-only site, still topped the list of most engagement (including +1s, shares and comments), the top five sites for largest average engagement growth are all traditional media. The biggest average engagement growth was seen for the Economist, with a one-year growth rate...

Facebook have issued a mysterious invitation to the press, leading tospeculation of an important announcement on January 15th at 10am. The message reads 'come and see what we're building', along with the date and time, and an address. The post has raised further rumours of the release of a Facebook-brand smartphone, despite Mark Zuckerberg's comments that "it wouldn't make much sense". The Chicago Tribune has suggested a significant redesign including the custom ordering of posts. Read more by clicking here >>...

Honda is conducting a wide search for a new client to handle its mediaand creative accounts. The announcement of its availability in December has been referred to as 'one of the biggest pitches of 2013' by, due to Honda's previous esteem in marketing. Honda have been enquiring in many countries for candidates, but have declined to comment on contenders for the position. The decision will be revealed by the end of its first quarter. According to industry executives, competitors may include 72andSunny and CP&B. Read more...

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