
If you think that NatWest is in the clear after this weekend’s computer debacle, then think again. YouGov SoMA (Social Media Analysis tool) looks at the impact of current events on the likes of Twitter and Facebook. They observed staggering increases in mentions of NatWest. On average daily Tweets concerning NatWest reached a 0-2% circulation, but since the recent fiasco they reached a high of 23% on Friday. And over the five days an average of 37% of the twitter population...

It’s all very well just writing a blog. You’ve spent ages thinking of your title, the content is perfect, and the positioning of the ‘like’ button, (assuming you’re not writing mindless drivel) is spot on. But, unless you get people to read it there isn’t much point in going into so much detail.

Just as a missile will cause most damage when given a specific target, the use of social media and other online tools will be far more effective where a clever marketing strategy points them in all the right direction.

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